miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

News: Russia turns into an ABU member.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union has enlargered with one new member, Russia which is a country between two continents, with a large part of its territory inside Asia.

ROSSIYA, which is the name of the new member station of the ABU, has started cooperating with the rest of the members of the organisation, by the exchange of programs and news.

If Russia has really turned into a member of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, that means that this country could be elegible to take part in the ABU Song Festivals.  

Although the debut of this country in the event might be possible in the near future, the russian broadcaster has been trying to revive its long forgotten Intervision Song Contest, which was the eastern european alternative of the Eurovision Song Contest, and was celebrated between 1977 and 1980.

Source ABU

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