miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016

ABU Asia-Pacific Song Contest might not be celebrated.

According to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union's website, the date of the ABU TV Song Festval 2017 has already been revealed, but the schedule of the organisation doesn't mention the song contest amongst their activities.
The ABU Asia-Pacific Song Contest was confirmed to be held in 2017, but since then, the organisation has not given more news about the upcoming event, what's more, the ABU also said that the format of the event was still being discussed.

Apart from that, NHK, the Japanese national broadcaster has recognised that they were not aware about the modification of the festival into a song contest.

The fact that the date of the sixth ABU TV Song Festival had already been revealed (Chengdu, October 25, 2017) and the date of the ABU Asia Pacific Song Contest not, might make think that the event has been cancelled.

Source: ABU event calendar

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