lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Countries: Japan. An ABU member country

Japan is a country located in North East Asia. It has got a population of over 125 millions of people.
The capital city of the country is Tokyo.
Japan is one of the most prosperous countries in the world, with a highly developed economy based in hi-tech.
For the music fans, the country is well known for its J-pop culture that has been very successful in all Asia and also popular in some western countries.
It's also known for taking part in the ABU TV Song Festival from its very first edition which took place in Seoul in 2012

National Broadcaster

The japanese national broadcaster is NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai), which is one of the world strongest TV Stations. It was founded in 1926 when three public radio stations merged into one. Since its foundation, the broadcaster started using the same methods and technology used by other european broadcasters. 
In 1950 the japanese parliament created a new public propriety law for the broadcaster in order to consolidate its possition as a public entity.
Three years later, NHK started its own television service, firstly with experimental broadcasts. Then, started creating a programming based on information services. Then the broadcaster started producing entertainment shows such as the Kohaku Uta Gassen, an anual song festival which takes place every new year's eve.
Nowadays, the broadcaster has got four channels, a website and an international service that broadcasts in many languages.
NHK is member of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union.

Entertainment industry

Japan has got one of the most booming music industries in over the world, with a J-pop culture that has extended to every side of the japanese daily life. Some singers have developed succesful careers not only in Japan, but also in in all Asia thanks to powerful music labels such as Sony Music and Avex Trax amongst many others.
The anime has also increased the demand of J-pop music. As a result, the animation series usually turn into a platform to start a music career. Moreover, some voice actors due to the success of their roles usually end up being popular singers.

From left to right, some singers and bands who could be suitable to represent Japan in the ABU TV Song Festival.

Ayumi Hamasaki, Hikaru Utada, Kumi Koda,
Seiko Matsuda, Ayaka, Nana Mizuki,
Exile, SEKAI NO OWARI, TM Revolution,
Golden Bomber, Gackt, Yui Horie,
Perfume, Megumi Hayashibara and May'n

Japan in the ABU TV Song Festival

Japan has been taking part in the ABU TV Song Festival since its very first edition, which took place in Seoul, the South Korean capital city. It has also turned into one of the favourite countries for the ABU Song Festival fans due to the massive popularity of the selected singers.
If the festival turned into a competition, Japan could have many chances to win every edition.

2012: Perfume - Spring of life.
2013: May'n - ViViD.
2014: SEKAI NO OWARI - Dragon Night.


The NHK concert hall is one of the biggest concert halls in Asia with a seat capacity of 3000 people. 
It could be a suitable venue if the NHK was interested to host the ABU TV Song Festival or the ABU Radio Song Festival. Many other music halls in Japan could be perfect venues for any of this events.
If the festival turned into a competition, this country has got many concert halls and sport venues that could be used as host places for these events.

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