jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015

ATSF could turn into a competition in 2016.

According to the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and the chinese private TV network, Hunan TV, both entities are negotiating to create a pan asian song competition. The name of the resulting event would be ABU Cup TV Song Contest.

Hunan TV, which is after CCTV (China Central Television), the most viewed TV Channel, has been showing its interest in creating an Eurovision Song Contest style festival in Asia. From 2013, the channel has been broadcasting the pan european festival in China with successful audience rates. Moreover, Hunan TV asked the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) to let China participate as a guest country. 

Although the response of the EBU has been negative, the network is still interested in the creation of a song competition and now, is is openly trying to turn the ABU TV Song Festival into a competitive even, something that has been hailed by the followers of the event.

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