jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

ABU Radio Song Festival 2015 Will take place in Rangoon, Myanmar

According to the ABU Website, the ABU Radio Song Festival will turn into an annual event. Until 2014, the festival was held only every two years, but due to the success of this event, the ABU has decided that the ARSF will take place every year.

The date of the show has also been revealed.
On 29 may 2015, the participating countries will showcase the talent of their unsigned musicians.
The number of participating countries will be revealed in the ABU Radio Song Festival website.

The venue for the show has not been revealed, but Yangon (Formerly Rangoon) which until 2005 was the capital of Myanmar, has got some concert halls that could host the event.

One of them is the Yangon National theatre. This concert hall was built by chinese architects in the 1980's.

Another possible venue for the ABU Radio Song Festival 2015 would be, the much bigger Myanmar Convention Centre of Yangon, which is normally used for big concerts.

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