jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Japan will participate in the ABU TV Song Festival 2015.

NHK, the japanese national broadcaster, has confirmed to the website Eurovoix, that will participate in the ABU TV Song Festival 2014. It will be the fourth participation of Japan in this event. 

Although the participation of Japan is sure, the artist that will carry the japanese flag on October 28th in Istanbul, has not been selected. 

NHK has been participating in ATSF since the start of the show in 2012 in Seoul. Since then, the broadcaster has been selecting well known singers and bands which are highly popular in all the Asia-Pacific Region.

Japan is also the favourite country for many of the viewers of the ABU TV Song Festival. The ABU-Fans, usually hail the quality of the japanese entries and the popularity of the performers that have represented the country in the show.

The Techno-pop, Girl Band Perfume, which has got a huge fanbase across Asia and Europe represented Japan for first time in the first edition of the ABU TV Song Festival, celebrated in Seoul.

One year later in Hanoi. May'n, the well known anisong singer, represented her country with Vivid, the opening theme for the anime series, Blood Lad. 
In this video, the sound was alterated due to copyright issues.

The latest Japanese entrants selected by NHK were Sekai no owari, who carried the japanese flag with Dragon Night. 
Although the audio was alterated due to the copyright, this video is the most seen one related to the ABU TV Song Festival, with more than 750.000 views in Youtube.

Source: Eurovoix and NHK.

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